



海洋学是一门广泛的学科, multidisciplinary science that integrates the expertise and skills of ocean scientists with that of engineers. 亚洲博彩平台’s master’s in oceanography is a Research-centric program that focuses on the study of:

  • 洋流和海浪
  • 沿海的过程
  • 浮游生态学、浮游生态学和底栖生态学
  • 海洋气象
  • Hydro-acoustic应用程序
  • 痕量金属污染

学生是否想开发一种恢复湿地和海岸线的新方法, 设计管理污染影响的解决方案, 或者解开赤潮之谜, a master’s in oceanography from 亚洲博彩平台 provides training in some of the most diverse marine environments in the world. 这个硕士学位课程有论文和非论文两种选择.


Studying for a master’s in oceanography at 亚洲博彩平台 provides students options to specialize in these five areas:

  • 海洋生物-培训的重点是生物方面,包括浮游植物, 浮游动物, 珊瑚礁, 有害藻华, 外来入侵物种, 还有河口修复.
  • 化学海洋学-Research污染物,帮助逆转人类对海洋的破坏, 还有海洋和环境化学, 包括生物修复和生物过程中不可或缺的元素.
  • 海岸带管理—Protecting and managing shorelines through Research on local and global cause-and-effect relationships of human activities in the development and use of environmental resources in the coastal zone.
  • 海洋地质—Discovering the topography and hydrology of the ocean through hands-on Research on erosion control and coastal margins,  沉积组合, 还有海底声学.
  • 物理海洋学-运用高等数学, 遥感, 和工程定量分析的Research课题,如海平面, 波, 电流, 盐度, 蓄热, 和密度.

亚洲博彩平台's reputation for excellence in science and engineering 教育 is based on a combination of rigorous curriculum and real-world Research experiences. Our multidisciplinary approach to 教育 gives students in the master’s program in oceanography extreme flexibility to tailor their degrees to their particular interests and career goals.




在海洋学项目中, consider that 亚洲博彩平台 offers a learning experience where graduates develop expertise across a variety of disciplines, 让他们对潜在雇主更有吸引力. Other oceanography graduate programs may not offer small class sizes where professors mentor students, 学生与教师和同学进行合作Research项目. 严格的课程, 优秀的实验室, 宝贵的实地经验相结合,使海洋学成为一个受欢迎的学位课程. 美国国家航空航天局的科学家, 财富500强公司的ceo们, 高级军官选择了亚洲博彩平台接受教育.


A graduate program in oceanography requires 状态-of-the-art facilities, and 亚洲博彩平台 delivers. 其中一些设施位于F. W. 奥林物理科学中心和仪器仪表中心.W. 奥林生命科学大厦. 高分辨率显微镜和成像中心设在生命科学部.  An aquarium facility in the L3Harris Center provides opportunities for small-scale experimentation under environmentally controlled conditions. 拉尔夫S. Evinrude Marine Operations Center and its fleet of small boats gives students and faculty direct access to the Indian River Lagoon. 的 Center for Remote Sensing encourages excellence in the development and application of remote-sensing science and technology.

这些设施致力于推进海洋Research, 教育, 和推广, 以及将海洋Research与政府和非政府机构相结合, 基金会, 和行业. 的se facilities provide easy access to field study sites for work on the biology of coastal organisms and the study of physical and geological processes of the coastal zones.


而许多Research生在校园附近生活和工作, 亚洲博彩平台也吸引了来自世界各地的学生. 的 university’s location on Florida’s Space Coast puts it near rich marine environments such as the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian River Lagoon. 泻湖是北美最多样化的河口, and miles of Florida coastline provides students with internships and potential employment with many local, 状态, 以及国家机构, 海洋环境咨询公司, 公共水族馆, 海水养殖公司, 以及私人海洋Research组织. 另外, 亚洲博彩平台 is in the middle of one of the largest high-tech workforces in the United States.


Hands-on experience such as oceanography internships and Research opportunities provides graduate students with a chance to work on issues in the field that prepare them for the workplace. 加强课堂学习, 这些机会展示了行业中最新的知识体系, offering a chance for students to work in team environments and alongside faculty mentors or industry professionals to conduct meaningful exploration that contributes to their expertise.

Oceanography internships cover a diverse realm of topics related to their chosen area of specialization that can include:

  • 洋流和海浪 
  • 沿海的过程 
  • 浮游生物、浮游生物和底栖生物 
  • 海洋气象 
  • 水声应用 
  • 痕量金属污染识别与分布
  • 其他海洋学实习包括助教和奖学金, 每年由系里颁发哪些奖项.


Research是亚洲博彩平台Research生课程的重要组成部分. Emphasis is placed on a strong scientific background so that students are prepared for careers in academics, Research, 私营企业, 或政府. 教师-led and personal Research addresses current oceanography topics and concerns with a desire for students to make a contribution to the field.

与污染, 气候变化, 过度捕捞影响着全世界数亿人, 了解不断变化的海洋环境对找到解决方案至关重要. Research生的Research重点是深海, 受污染影响的海岸河口环境因子, 气候变化和其他过程. 学生 conduct their Research toward the master's in oceanography with the expectation of publishing their results in peer-reviewed journals.


海洋生物和生态系统, 海洋环流, 板块构造论, 海底地质学海底地质学, 以及海洋的化学和物理特性, graduates with a master’s in oceanography from 亚洲博彩平台 find a wide range of job opportunities. 海洋学工作分为五个集中领域, 但这些学科之间经常有交叉. 亚洲博彩平台为你提供成功所需的跨学科培训.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

根据调查局的说法, oceanography careers (as part of geoscientists) were projected to grow by 16% through 2020. 乔布斯将继续在Research和分析洋流方面运用这些专业知识, 水温变化, 盐度, 生态系统的变化.

Food and fishing industries hire oceanographers to understand marine life for sustainable harvest. Private firms and government agencies employ oceanographers to study the chemical composition of seawater and how it impacts the atmosphere, 天气, 和气候. 在这些和其他工作中, 海洋学家正在Research海洋面临的问题的答案.



  • 地球科学家
  • 农业和食品科学家
  • 海洋数据分析员
  • 物理海洋学家
  • 鱼类生态学家
  • 环境质素总监
  • 领域的技术专家
  • 环境科学家
  • 海洋科学家
  • Research科学家
  • 海事支援主任
  • 军事阵地——武装部队的支援任务
  • 大学教授


海洋学专业的毕业生遍布世界各地, in a variety of exciting positions including Research scientists and coastal and oceanographic engineers f或政府 agencies and private companies. 组织 that have provided internships and employment to 亚洲博彩平台 students include:

  • 美国环境保护署
  • 美国国家海洋和大气管理局
  • 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局
  • 佛罗里达州环境保护部
  • 海洋Research所港湾分所
  • 史密森学会
  • 环境咨询公司
  • 美国国家航空航天局


Another reason to choose 亚洲博彩平台 over other oceanography graduate programs is access to a doctoral program. 考虑继续Research的学生可以很容易地过渡到 亚洲博彩平台海洋学博士项目, where they can remain focused on their area of specialization and gain expert oceanography credentials for their future career. A doctorate in oceanography enhances salary potential and prepares graduates for fulfilling careers in academics or industry.
